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  Chinese Green Tea
Chinese Green tea is light and refreshing. Well known for its many health benefits, Chinese Green tea helps to prevent cancer, lowers cholesterol & blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, prevents cavities, reduces stress and regulates ageing.
  Chinese Green Tea
  • An Ji Bai Cha  
  • Bi Tan Piao Xue  
  • Bu Bu Gao Sheng  
  • Cha Wang Tai Ping Hou Kui  
  • Dong Ting Bi Luo Chun  
  • En Shi Yu Lu  
  • Gu Zhu Zi Sun  
  • Huang Shan Mao Feng  (2 types)
  • Jasmine Tea  
  • Jiu Hua Fo Cha  
  • Long Jing  (3 types)
  • Lu An Gua Pian  (2 types)
  • Meng Ding Gan Lu  
  • Te Ji Pearl Jasmine  
  • Ting Xi Lan Xiang  
  • Wu Yi Qu Hao  
  • Xu Fu Long Ya  
  • Yang Yan Gou Qing  
  • Yong Xi Huo Qing  
  • Lion Xi Hu Long Jing  
    Bai Long Jing
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    Bai Long Jing
    (rating: 4.3 out of 5)
      Bai Long Jing
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    DescriptionRating & ReviewBrewing GuideRecommendations
    Bai Long Jing is very special and rare Green tea. It is named "Bai" or White because the tender leaves of its tea plant turns whitish green during spring season (the only period when this tea can be produced). It is also interesting to note that Bai Long Jing is very rich in amino acide (twice the amount than most Green teas) which is good for anti-stress and cortisol-controlling effects.

    Due to popular request for higher grade of Bai Long Jing, we brought in the Te Ji (Special) grade of Bai Long Jing this tea this year. Do not miss it.

    Other names:
    White Dragonwell, Bai Lung Ching

    Refreshingly light with a hint of floral sweetness. Exceptional soothing aroma.

    Flat and narrow tea leaves and despite its name, the processed tea leaves are not white in color.

    An Ji, Zhejiang Province

    Harvest Period:
    Spring '07 (Ming Qian Cha)

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    Shipping Info
    Worldwide shipping cost at $3.80! FREE shipping for orders of $70 and above.
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