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  Chinese White and Yellow Tea
Chinese White & Yellow teas are light and delicately smooth. They are the least processed tea, undergoing just steaming and drying, leaving it close to its natural state. Recent studies have shown that these teas contains more cancer-fighting antioxidants than any other teas.
  Chinese White and Yellow Tea
  • Bai Hao Yin Zhen  
  • Bai Mu Dan  
  • Cha Wang Bai Mu Dan  
  • Cha Wang Jun Shan Yin Zhen  
  • Jun Shan Jin Bi  
  • Jun Shan Yin Zhen  
  • Meng Ding Huang Ya  
  • Shui Xian Bai Zhen  
  • Wei Shan Mao Jian  
    Cha Wang Jun Shan Yin Zhen
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    Cha Wang Jun Shan Yin Zhen
    (rating: 4.6 out of 5)
      Cha Wang Jun Shan Yin Zhen
    Price & Size :
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    DescriptionRating & ReviewBrewing GuideRecommendations
    Cha Wang (Tea King) grade of Jun Shan Yin Zhen is processed using tea buds that are meticulously selected according to a set of nine rules. These rules state that the picking of the tea leaves should NOT:
    1. be done on rainy days
    2. be done on frosty days
    3. pick damaged buds
    4. pick thin buds
    5. pick buds that are curved
    6. pick buds that are hollow inside
    7. pick buds that are opened or showing signs of opening
    8. pick buds with any signs of purple color
    9. pick buds that do not conform to standard size
    In addition, the pickings must be done between the 7th to 10th days of Qing Ming Festival in early spring. Due to these stringent rules, even the most experienced tea picker could only collect about 200grams of tea buds in a day. Processing Cha Wang Jun Shan Yin Zhen requires 78-hour of non-stop work. It is one of the most tedious tea to make and can only be done by few veteran tea masters.

    Other names:
    Mount Jun Silver Needle (Tea King Grade)

    This tea is highly refreshing and has a unique natural sweetness that is reminiscence of sweet corn. The sweet flavor is apparent even in its fourth infusion, providing that the tea is brewed correctly.

    The tea buds are golden yellow and fully covered with white downs. We recommend brewing this tea using a clear glass cup, where you can easily observe the buds "dancing up and down” during infusion. In Chinese, this is called "San Qi San Luo" (3 ups and 3 downs). This happens because the buds of Jun Shan Yin Zhen have multiple layers of leaves wrapping around it, thus allowing air to be trapped between the layers.

    Jun Shan, Hunan Province

    Harvest Period:
    Spring 2022 (First Flush)

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