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  Chinese Herbal Tea
Looking for a caffeine-free alternative? Try Chinese Herbal tea. Chinese Herbal tea contains herbal tisanes formulated to taste delicious and refreshing while helping to keep your mind relaxed and body rejuvenated.
  Chinese Herbal Tea
  • Buckwheat Tea  (2 types)
  • Chrysanthemum  (4 types)
  • Gingko and Green Tea Blend  
  • Honeysuckle Flower  
  • Jasmine Bud  
  • Jiao Gu Lan  
  • Kuding Tea  
  • Lavender  
  • Osmanthus Flower  
  • Qian Ri Hong  
  • Red Rosebud  
  • Wolfberry  
  • Eight Treasures Tea No 1  
    Eight Treasures Tea No 2
    Eight Treasures Tea No 2
    (rating: 4.1 out of 5)
      Eight Treasures Tea No 2
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    My Wife worked at a foster home for disabled newborns and toddlers in China for a year when she was 18...So you can imagine how bad of a situation that was...and this is the tea she drank to relax and get away...She is now 21 and we have been married for a year and a half and I have looked every where for the tea from her stories and I finally found it here...and it is the exact same product...same package and all...she started to cry at work when I had it delivered there as a surprise...It was so worth it! After she drinks more of it I will be sure to Order More...Thank You for making my wife’s day.

    Wyatt (5/22/2008)
    I first had 8 treasures tea in china. This is nowhere near as good. It’s a decent drink though, if you don’t think of it as eight treasures tea

    Sara (5/22/2007)
    I tried Eight Treasures Teas when I was in China a couple of years ago and loved it. Needless to say, the pre-packaged mix is not quite as good as the fresh homemade version, but it’s good enough to remind me of the real thing.

    William (1/5/2007)
    Excellent tea and it came from China!!!

    kathleen (1/5/2007)
    How charming it is to find flowers in one’s cup! A fun drink to serve to friends or to brighten up one’s day.

    Jennifer (12/5/2006)
    It is very good. This tea has given me more energy and clarity. I do not crave coffee during the day any more. I think it is a very good product.

    sara (11/30/2006)
    I began drinking this tea as I was told that it would give me energy, or in otherwords help me from feeling so tired all of the time. It not only did that but it has also curbed any desire I have had for coffee. That is wonderful in itself.

    Lois (11/2/2006)

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