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  Pu-erh Tea
Pu-erh is renowned for its medicinal qualities. Unlike other teas, Pu-erh's quality and taste improves with age. It's taste is often described as earthy but some very well aged Pu-erh produce cups of incredibly smooth and wonderfully complex beverage.
  Pu-erh Tea
  • Chun Jian Zang Zhuan Cha  (2 types)
  • Feng Huang Tuo Cha  
  • Haiwan Chen Xiang Zhuan Cha  
  • Haiwan Qiao Mu Zhuan Cha  
  • Liu An  
  • Loose-leaf Pu-erh  (2 types)
  • Pu-erh Chrysanthemum  
  • Xiaguan Tuo Cha  (3 types)
  • Yin Zhen Tea Cake  
  • Yunnan Tuo Cha  
    Feng Huang Tuo Cha
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    Feng Huang Tuo Cha
    (rating: 4.4 out of 5)
      Feng Huang Tuo Cha
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    ottimo. anche per chi non è un esperto in Pu-erh tea il sapore e lŽaroma sono molto gradevoli. consiglio di procurarsi la strumentazione necessaria per lŽapertura delle foglie; con un semplice coltello si rovinano le foglie e si farà una gran fatica.

    Tommaso (4/5/2016)
    This is my first puer tea cake IŽve tried from TeaSpring. I bought another cake earlier, but IŽm still aging it for a few years. The Feng Huang Tuo Cha tastes sweet, like the candy I ate growing up called Haw Flakes. This tea is rather mellow and mild- maybe because it has aged already (IŽm not really sure). It seems okay and tastes good. I will continue drinking it to see.

    Ronald (9/25/2012)
    This is the first pu-erh tea IŽve tried, so I donŽt have a frame of reference to compare to. However, this is excellent tea, and IŽm looking forward to drinking it for some time to come.

    Nathan (11/30/2011)
    HavenŽt yet cracked this one open. Perhaps IŽll age it a while.

    James (7/10/2011)
    My first foray with real pu-erh and I was not disappointed. Good for a dozen steepings, you can brew an evolving tea for hours. Flavor is like that of a black, but the fermentation skews it into its own territory.

    Philip (1/28/2011)
    Very fragrant with a sweet after taste that smoothes out after a few infusions. Good raw pu-erh.

    William (2/18/2010)
    This raw cake had sweeter finishes on the 5th and 6th infusions. Bitter at the start, this one is a good one to put away for aging.

    Dale (11/4/2006)
    love the color and after taste

    RUI (8/29/2006)
    young and strong sheng puerh ! It is very well compressed and i left it for aging

    Alexander (1/19/2006)
    Amber color with a little bit of bite.Still young should get better with age.Good for 2-3 infusion.

    wittaya (9/18/2005)
    One of the best raw PuErhs I tasted this year.

    Armandas (9/2/2005)

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