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  Pu-erh Tea
Pu-erh is renowned for its medicinal qualities. Unlike other teas, Pu-erh's quality and taste improves with age. It's taste is often described as earthy but some very well aged Pu-erh produce cups of incredibly smooth and wonderfully complex beverage.
  Pu-erh Tea
  • Chun Jian Zang Zhuan Cha  (2 types)
  • Feng Huang Tuo Cha  
  • Haiwan Chen Xiang Zhuan Cha  
  • Haiwan Qiao Mu Zhuan Cha  
  • Liu An  
  • Loose-leaf Pu-erh  (2 types)
  • Pu-erh Chrysanthemum  
  • Xiaguan Tuo Cha  (3 types)
  • Yin Zhen Tea Cake  
  • Yunnan Tuo Cha  
    Guang Yun Gong 70s
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    Guang Yun Gong 70s
    (rating: 4.6 out of 5)
      Guang Yun Gong 70s
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    inevitably, i have taste the undergrowth. No bitterness.No astringent. But it is not too soft, but a mix of softness and wildness. Very good tea.

    Ricardo (10/5/2006)
    The tea leaves after the first brew smell like a mossy forrest fresh after a rain, and after the second brew, it smells like you’re digging up the rich soil in that forest. The tea itself has a rich, delicious yet very subtle earthy aroma. If you breath it in as you slowly take a sip, and let it slowly fall to the back of your mouth as you swallow, you have the flavour of drinking in an old decaying bark or the decaying leaves on the ground in fall in this fresh, earthy forest. It’s truly wonderful, very rich and full, has a sweet, lingering aftertaste, and is so addictive because you’ve never drank anything before that elicits these sensations. I’ve never tried Pu’erh tea before, but as a first try, I can say it is unlike any teas I’ve tried – it’s truly in a class of its own, like a well-aged wine. I used about a 1x1cm chunk of tea for a 1+cup glass teacup

    Erika (4/21/2006)
    Does not ave the white spots yet, will wait for ten more years for this tea. In comparing with the Guang Yun of 60. It may even be better after 5 to 10 years of aging.

    Chung (4/6/2006)
    I brewed this for the first time last night and the taste is amazing! It’s quite mellow with an almost milky texture, the second infusion was a little weaker but also slightly sweeter. As this can be bought in smaller amounts I would most definitely recommend it!

    Tom (2/2/2006)
    People who love pu’er are very fortunate that TeaSpring has made this rare and wonderful item available to us. We are able to purchase this treasure in pieces that we can afford, and the smaller pieces are not that much more expensive gram-for-gram than the entire cake. I’ve made two purchases, and bit by bit I reckon I’ll buy the whole beeng cha! Aged pu’er like this takes on a character or qi that can be exquisite. The flavor is incredibly smooth and woody. It reminds me of aspen or birch. Aged pu’er is capable of providing many infusions, and this GYG is no exception there. Considering that one small pot can provide hours of pleasure, then the price is not excessive by nay means. As the initial flavor slowly subsides through multiple infusions, the wonderful aftertaste becomes more pronounced. To describe it, one would have to express the inexpressible. When I can, I purchase little bits of rare, aged pu’er, and I keep them for those times requiring solace or deserving celebration. TeaSpring is one of the few trustworthy sources of good pu’er. The TeaSpring staff is very careful to select bona fide, authentic pu’er. Those wishing a taste of the sublime will be very grateful for the opportunity to lose themselves in this tea. ~Gerald Tiffany

    Gerald (12/20/2005)

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