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  Chinese White and Yellow Tea
Chinese White & Yellow teas are light and delicately smooth. They are the least processed tea, undergoing just steaming and drying, leaving it close to its natural state. Recent studies have shown that these teas contains more cancer-fighting antioxidants than any other teas.
  Chinese White Tea
  • Bai Hao Yin Zhen  
  • Bai Mu Dan  
  • Cha Wang Bai Mu Dan  
  • Cha Wang Jun Shan Yin Zhen  
  • Jun Shan Jin Bi  
  • Jun Shan Yin Zhen  
  • Meng Ding Huang Ya  
  • Shui Xian Bai Zhen  
  • Wei Shan Mao Jian  
    Huo Shan Huang Ya
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    Huo Shan Huang Ya
    (rating: 4.4 out of 5)
      Huo Shan Huang Ya
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    DescriptionRating & ReviewBrewing GuideRecommendations
    Huo Shan Huang Ya is a rare Yellow tea. This tea was used an Imperial tribute tea back in the Ming and Qing Dynasty. The processing method of this tea was said to be lost and only to be re-discovered after the 70s. Since then, Huo Shan Huang Ya has been sent as tribute to many great leaders of China every year. This tea won the Commercial Products of Good Quality in 1990 and China’s Tea Cup in 1999, just to name a few.

    Other names:
    Mount Huo Yellow Sprout, Ya Cha

    The aroma and taste of this tea is a reminiscence of sweet corn. Very unique and refreshing.

    Mixtures of downy single bud and one-bud-two-leaves varieties. When infused the liquor is yellowish green in color.

    Huo Shan, An Hui Province

    Harvest Period:
    Spring 2015 (First Flush)

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    Shipping Info
    Worldwide shipping cost at $3.80! FREE shipping for orders of $70 and above.
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