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  Chinese Black Tea
Tastes thick and robust. Tea connoisseurs appreciate Chinese Black tea as a beverage with various purifying qualities. Chinese Black tea blends easily with other flavors to create a rich and exquisite taste. Regular consumption of Chinese Black tea can reduce risk of stroke.
  Chinese Black Tea
  • 1979 Series Keemun Black Tea   
  • Bai Lin Jin Zhen  
  • Bi Luo Chun Hong Cha  
  • Keemun  
  • Keemun Hao Ya A  
  • Keemun Mao Feng  
  • Keemun Xian Zhen  
  • Lapsang Souchong  (3 types)
  • Rose Keemun  
  • Sichuan Gongfu  
  • Tan Yang Jing Zhi  
  • Tan Yang Te Ji  
  • Yi Hong Jing Pin A  
  • Ying De Hong  
  • Yunnan Gold  
  • Yunnan Pure Gold  
  • Zhu Hai Jin Ming  
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    (rating: 4.2 out of 5)
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    Excellent tea. I drank enough of it for a century but still have a lot to learn. It can be thin or viscous. If eludes me when i rinse. Should i rinse?

    Marika (12/27/2019)
    Could be better for the price. I have impression that it is a mix of a little bit of good quality keemun with a lot of poor one.

    Stanislav (5/4/2017)
    Nice and simple black tea. A nice tea if you like milk and sugar added. But also ok with only hot water.

    Thomas (4/8/2017)
    Great tea, instant favorite! Shipping wasnīt as fast as I hoped but now I know how soon to order for next time.

    Scot (2/3/2017)
    A great tea, to me the best of all the Keemun. And a little goes a ling way.

    Peter (6/3/2016)
    Great tea. Canīt get enough of it so I had ordered more this time around.

    Peter (8/28/2015)
    One can never go wrong with this great Keemon tea.

    Peter (11/29/2014)
    considerato il prezzo č un buon tea per tutti i giorni. č necessaria una dose ricca per infuso soprattuto se siete abituati per esempio al Keemun Hao Ya A. la qualitā č comunique coerente con il prezzo.

    Tommaso (5/15/2014)
    Just a great tea. One can never go wrong buying it.

    Peter (5/1/2014)
    A good keemun tea with subtle flavor. Will buy more net order.

    Peter (11/30/2013)
    I am just getting into appreciation of fine teas. I bought this Keemun thinking it would be a good standard every day tea. It fits that description well for me. It has a full flavor, but not particularly distinctive. I donīt find it to be a "strong" tea, when brewed as recommended. I think this Keemun is a good choice for a standard, every day tea.

    Reed (11/15/2013)
    very nice tea to have.... good for everyday drinking...

    Slava ZM (5/26/2012)
    Nice, distinctive aroma. The taste has a hint of plum and wine. I really like the mix between sweetness and some very little bitter notes.

    Jana (4/18/2012)
    The original flavor with a light, unobtrusive flavor. Invigorating tea. Recommended!

    Andriy (3/3/2012)
    Nice Red Tea...full bodied and very sweet aftertaste...But not too different from other red teas..

    Chee Meng (3/23/2011)
    Outstanding fragrance, balanced, relatively strong taste. Very good tea!

    Paweł (9/18/2010)
    This tea has a smoky complex taste, and is invigorating.

    Ronald (6/8/2010)
    Класический вкус и аромат английского чая. Рекоментую всем!

    Andriy (12/4/2009)
    excellent keemun for the price, better then most at higher price. I recommend this tea for use everyday.

    Christopher (10/31/2009)
    I am not a great fan of black tea. This keemun tastes too strong for me. It lacks the delicacy of a green tea, or the aroma of a oolong. Itīs a good cup of tea, but simple not that good. Even for a black tea.

    Erikson (9/29/2009)
    Excellent fine quality tea. Rich in aroma. Good for everyday drinking.

    Alexander (5/31/2009)
    Delivered on time and in great condition. As usual, Tea Spring has out done them selves. The product in in good condition and as advertised.

    James (9/27/2008)
    Wonderful and fine fragrance. Taste ist fruity with a hint of sweetness - very harmonic.

    Jana (7/12/2008)
    This tea is mildly tannic and has a slight smoky quality which is a little out of character for keemun tea. In he tasting we undertook, this tea was one of a selection of varieties of keemun and this was not the best of them. It is however an excellent tea for everyday consumption and care should be taken not to make it too strong.

    Elizabeth (6/9/2008)
    Good Keemun for the price tag - good everyday morning kick when you are in sleepy hurry.

    Armandas (8/22/2007)
    Nice black tea, goes well with breakfast foods. Not harsh, slight sweet flavor, nice maltiness but not terribly rich.

    Jennifer (6/16/2007)
    Very sweet fragrance. I think it is a good introduction to black tea.

    Jana (6/3/2007)
    I just opened up a small sample size of this tea and it was purchased from a ways back so I’m surprised at the freshness. I threw in about 1.7 grams of tea into a 4 ounce gaiwan without even preheating the gaiwan. Steeped it for about a minute 15. I must say, this was a rather pleasant cup of tea. Has a nice sweet like taste and comforting. Makes a beautiful reddish color. Recommended.

    Ryan (4/12/2007)
    Mellow, pleasant black tea--a nice morning tea.

    Jennifer (2/8/2007)
    Delicious, comforting black tea.

    Jennifer (1/4/2007)
    A nice tea overall, nice taste and aftertaste. The leaves are great. I liked it.

    Vladimir (11/7/2006)
    I did not like this at all. It had a too pronounced smokey flavor. But then, I hate lapsong as well. I gave my sample away.

    Greg (1/24/2006)

    GIOVANNI (12/25/2005)

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    Worldwide shipping cost at $3.80! FREE shipping for orders of $70 and above.
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