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  Chinese Black Tea
Tastes thick and robust. Tea connoisseurs appreciate Chinese Black tea as a beverage with various purifying qualities. Chinese Black tea blends easily with other flavors to create a rich and exquisite taste. Regular consumption of Chinese Black tea can reduce risk of stroke.
  Chinese Black Tea
  • 1979 Series Keemun Black Tea   
  • Bai Lin Jin Zhen  
  • Bi Luo Chun Hong Cha  
  • Keemun  
  • Keemun Hao Ya A  
  • Keemun Mao Feng  
  • Keemun Xian Zhen  
  • Lapsang Souchong  (3 types)
  • Rose Keemun  
  • Sichuan Gongfu  
  • Tan Yang Jing Zhi  
  • Tan Yang Te Ji  
  • Yi Hong Jing Pin A  
  • Ying De Hong  
  • Yunnan Gold  
  • Yunnan Pure Gold  
  • Zhu Hai Jin Ming  
    Tan Yang Jing Zhi
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    Tan Yang Jing Zhi
    (rating: 4.2 out of 5)
      Tan Yang Jing Zhi
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    Yumm,,tastes like chocolate liquor. Very interesting and delicious!

    Lee (1/26/2015)
    è necessario fare un pò di attenzione nella preparazione evitando over-steeping; gli aromi sono complessi, dall´iniziale di fumo e malto evolvendosi in toni dolcissimi; il gusto è sicuramente meno accentuato. in definitiva un tea interessante.

    Tommaso (2/26/2013)
    It is to my eternal shame that i reviewed this tea so poorly last time. All i an do is apologise and say i don´t know where my head was! I recently unearthed my 25g sample of this tea a few weeks ago, literally couldn´t think of anything else to drink tha night, and i was blown over by how perfectly presented the smoky and fruity flavours of this tea are. It is an amazing tea, i especially like latter infusions 4-5 they pick up this insanely moorish fruity astringency which just makes you want to gobble the cup down after it! As i say beautiful glorious tea, I really have no clue why i missed this the first time.

    Dorian (1/14/2011)
    Amazing aroma, but for me thats where the story ends. This is without doubt the most forgettable China black i have had in the last few years, its a shame because the smell promised so much. I love teasprings keemun xian zhen and frankly i dont see the point in drinking this when i could be drinking that lol. I apologise to any fans this tea may have .

    Dorian (8/31/2010)
    This is my favorite black tea IN THE WORLD. 100% worth the price... unlike anything you´ve ever tasted before. Not bitter, not sweet, not dry. Just perfect. Worth every penny and soo unique and beautiful.

    Jessica (7/15/2010)
    well worth sampling, not sure if it worth the price

    Christopher (11/14/2009)
    A lovely tea indeed. The taste is pure, direct, non-assuming but not bashful either... It is hard to describe in terms of taste, although the scent of the brewed tea is indeed floral. If other teas are a slight rumble in the distance, this tea is the sudden shock of a Zen master striking his staff on the ground. Direct, true, pure.

    Ryan (9/16/2009)
    another name of tan yang is wài shan souchong. so, this tea resemble Smoky smell of lapsang souchng.

    ha (2/5/2009)

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