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  Chinese White and Yellow Tea
Chinese White & Yellow teas are light and delicately smooth. They are the least processed tea, undergoing just steaming and drying, leaving it close to its natural state. Recent studies have shown that these teas contains more cancer-fighting antioxidants than any other teas.
  Chinese White and Yellow Tea
  • Bai Hao Yin Zhen  
  • Bai Mu Dan  
  • Cha Wang Bai Mu Dan  
  • Cha Wang Jun Shan Yin Zhen  
  • Jun Shan Jin Bi  
  • Jun Shan Yin Zhen  
  • Meng Ding Huang Ya  
  • Shui Xian Bai Zhen  
  • Wei Shan Mao Jian  
    Wei Shan Mao Jian
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    Wei Shan Mao Jian
    (rating: 3.8 out of 5)
    Wei Shan Mao Jian
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    I like the smoky flavor. Its delicious even on the fourth steeping.

    david (5/4/2017)
    Slightly smokey, a bit like Lapsang Souchon, but a very mild version of it. The smokeyness is never overpowering, it just adds to the earthy flavor. More brews are very well possible, without a significant development in the taste. A deep, warm flavor, a definite favorite in autumn weather!

    Ben (8/20/2014)
    Great tea for what it stands. I still miss the smokier version of old. Will just do now with what is available.

    Peter (11/30/2013)
    I can´t say that I liked this one. The flavour and aroma are very strong, like liquid smoke. It reminds me of sitting by a campfire or the smell of smoked salmon. I thought it would have the same reminiscent flavour, but all I can taste is smoke.

    Kimberley (3/20/2013)
    Was a pleasant brew, but will probably not purchase again

    Neil (2/26/2013)
    Beautiful color in cup. Smells like smoky tobacco, but tastes almost like scotch. I rarely add sugar to my tea, but I added 1/4 a teaspoon to my cup and was rewarded with an even more layered flavor. I feel as if I should be getting that lovely fuzzy feeling I do with a nice dram. I recommend this tea for fans of Russian Caravan or Lapsang Souchong.

    Tanya (2/22/2012)
    This is one of the finest "smoky" teas I have ever drunk. While its aroma and taste are both very smoky, it still retains some of the qualities of white and yellow tea. I sometimes add just a little of this tea to other teas when I want to make a "custom brew" (though tea connoisseurs may not like this idea). If you like a tea with a rich strong smoky character, you will probably like this.

    Leon (7/28/2011)
    The aroma when one opens the tea package sets the stage for an enjoyable treat. The tea´s appearance is like a glass of champagne. The delights promised are fulfilled in the taste lingering & rebounding in the mouth and nostrils. Service at Tea Spring is one of the best on the web.

    R C (6/1/2011)
    Hard to rate this tea. It does split opinions. I served during a family visit and about half of my familiy liked it very much and the other half found it disgusting. I personally would not call it disgusting, but this tea will surely not be one of my friends. But try and a small sample of. If you should like you will have a real unique tea experience.

    Björn (5/22/2011)
    This tea has become my Saturday tea ritual and never fails to impress.

    Peter (11/17/2010)
    This is liquid smoke, you could use the tea to smoke meat.

    Nagy (10/25/2010)
    A very interesting tea, with a strong smoky taste that is unexpected in a yellow tea. It survives many infusions, and has also turned out to be my wife´s new favourite. I like this more and more, so I give it 5 stars this time.

    Terje (10/18/2010)
    I actually prefer this tea to the Jun Shan. I love the smoke. It reminds me of a good smoky scotch. I steeped it for 90 seconds at 180F.

    Dave (10/3/2010)
    A very interesting tea, with a strong smoky taste that is unexpected in a yellow tea.

    Terje (8/31/2010)
    The strong smoky aroma persists throughout. Because it is a yellow tea, it can be infused successfully many more times than many green´s and can be drunk on an empty stomach without any upset (greens should be drunk after a meal). If you like Lapsang Souchong or other strongly flavored teas, you will love this one. The underlying taste is smooth, complex, and enhanced somehow with the smokiness. Few if any grassy notes are noticeable because it is a yellow. The rough leaves are fresh and green. I find the taste smooth and very invigorating. Highly recommended!

    Kei (7/28/2010)
    Thank you for putting it back on your shelf. This marvelous tea really grows on you. I think the 2010 crop is slightly better than the 2009 in the sense that it is just a bit milder making it even a more pleasant tea to drink.

    Peter (6/20/2010)
    try as I might, I could not get a drinkable cup, even after brewing several different ways, temps, etc. I cannot reccomend this tea at all.

    Christopher (12/8/2009)
    This tea seems to grow on you and I like it the longer the better. The 2009 harvest is again wonderful and I have learned how to use this tea for maximum enjoyment. In my 120 ml tea pot I use a little over 1 g of tea leaves. Steeping time 15 sec + 15 sec for pouring. Good for 4 infusions. The next 2 increase steeping to 30 sec + 15 sec. pouring. That makes it 6 plus one last one for total wash-out with 2 min steeping.

    Peter (11/24/2009)
    Strange tea. If you like smoke-dried aroma & taste you´ll be in heaven while drinkin Wei Shan Mao Jian. But if you don´t like this kind of teas you´ll be very disappointed und rather unglad. This is a specific tea, worthy trying, but... I rather will not drink this tea too often.

    Paweł (10/14/2009)
    I really enjoy smoky teas so I thought I´d give it a try. After a couple tries I´m pretty sure I figured out how to do steep it right and it´s definitely an excellent tea! Don´t skimp on the leaves and steep it a bit longer than suggested (I´ve been doing 3 minutes or so in a pre-heated tetsubin) and it has a wonderful earthy taste behind the smoke, similar to Yunnan Pure Gold. I definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys smoked teas.

    Travis (6/16/2009)
    Holy smoke, that’s strong tobak, not for the faint-hearted. In its own class an excellent tea which I had the pleasure to drink with my newly acquired Tenmoku cup. A pleasant diversion every now an then from the greener oolongs. I am always amazed by the various teas those Chinese Tea Master Magicians are able to produce.

    Peter (9/8/2008)
    this tea is definatly very special, it is very smoky, with a nice clear yellow liquor and present a smooth mouthfeel. Its completely understandable that some people rated this tea so low, because its not a tea for everyone, but if you enjoy smoky flavours in general maybe you will like this one. in my opinion is a good tea, but not to be drank everyday.

    Sergio (8/2/2008)

    Markov (3/5/2007)
    Upon opening the bag of this variety, I was instantly overwelmed by an almost noxious and overbearing aroma of liquid smoke, such as in the little bottles available in grocery stores. Whatever process is used to smoke these tea leaves, in my opinion, completely destroys the taste of the underlying leaf. To brew a cup of this tea for drinking is not something I would be able to enjoy at all. This tea would be more suited ground into a seasoning for say... beef ribs.

    Greg (10/3/2006)
    Quite possibly the worst pot of tea I’ve ever made. Not just smoky but sickeningly so. It made me think of someone boiling a bunch of wood ash and giving the strained liquid for me to drink. I don’t believe I can even force myself to drink this again.

    Jeff (9/28/2006)
    I liked this. They’re definitely not lying when they say it’s different from what you’d expect from a yellow. It’s smoky and dry, and while I find it quite nice on cup is enough. Unlike the delicate white teas that makes me feel light and flighty, this is a tea that grounds me. More than one cup, though, is just too much of the good stuff.

    anon (9/18/2006)

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