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  Pu-erh Tea
Pu-erh is renowned for its medicinal qualities. Unlike other teas, Pu-erh's quality and taste improves with age. It's taste is often described as earthy but some very well aged Pu-erh produce cups of incredibly smooth and wonderfully complex beverage.
  Pu-erh Tea
  • Chun Jian Zang Zhuan Cha  (2 types)
  • Feng Huang Tuo Cha  
  • Haiwan Chen Xiang Zhuan Cha  
  • Haiwan Qiao Mu Zhuan Cha  
  • Liu An  
  • Loose-leaf Pu-erh  (2 types)
  • Pu-erh Chrysanthemum  
  • 3 types of Xiaguan Tuo Cha
  • Xiaguan Green Tuo Cha  
  • Xiaguan Gold Tuo Cha  
  • Xiaguan Yu Shang Tuo Cha  
  • Yin Zhen Tea Cake  
  • Yunnan Tuo Cha  
    Xiaguan Gold Tuo Cha
    Xiaguan Gold Tuo Cha
    (rating: 4.4 out of 5)
      Xiaguan Gold Tuo Cha
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    I´m here to tell everybody this shop shipped my ordered product much faster as I anticipated. I just ordered my next tea package on 5th of May and the postman delivered it on 15th of May. So happy I´m and the tea´s taste is still great. Thanks everything for the shop´s staff and the growers.

    Albert (5/16/2017)
    Well I´m here again and just want to tell for everybody that this tea is still tasty after one year consumption. If you do not believe me then try it and tell us what your opinion is.

    Albert (2/15/2017)
    As I mentioned in my previous remark, this tea is extremely excellent in quality. The delivery was sooner as I had expected. I can suggest this shop for everybody because sellers care about their customers as if customers would be their clients. Thanks growers and producers for their contribution.

    Albert (10/10/2016)
    This is a second remark about this great tea. Firstly my friend from China told me I should try out this tea because she has a great experience about its taste. It was my best decision to accept her suggestion, because this tea is really great. It has excellent taste and gives me fresh feeling all day long. Thanks growers and producers for their contribution. Furthermore, I would like to thank everything for this shop because the delivery was very punctual.

    Albert (7/26/2016)
    This product is great and the delivery happened in time. I can suggest this shop for everybody who like drinking excellent tea.

    Albert (3/30/2016)
    Excellent tea, with light plums scent (at least I think it is plums) and sweet aftertaste.

    Philip (11/17/2011)
    Smells good and looks to be of good quality. I´ll be aging this one for a while before breaking into it. A note to potential buyers: this is a round bowl, not a flat cake. Although this is noted in the description, the image doesn´t make it clear.

    James (1/18/2011)
    it is a very flavour and harmony tea. it taste a sweet and delicious liquor.

    Ricardo (5/13/2010)
    Very good raw pu-erh. Rather sweet, but there is a bit of bitterness, especially in first infusion. Also the piece is hard to crush, it is little troublesome.

    Paweł (1/10/2010)
    Need further aging. The tea leaves are of high quality. Still tightly compacted. May have to steam to get to the tea.

    Fred (6/5/2008)
    this is a good tea for the price though it is young it is mellow and leaves a long lasting cool taste on your breth.

    ryan (3/26/2008)
    (disclaimer: pu-erh newbie!) I love this tea. The flavor is deep with a hint of sweetness, surprisingly good for how young it is. It makes multiple delicious infusions. I’m going to buy a couple more of these to hang onto. My only "problem" with this tea is that it’s so tightly compressed, I can barely break off any pieces! Not really a problem though.

    Dave (2/20/2008)
    Xiaguan is always a good pu erh but needs time for aging to get rid of some bitter notes during the first infusions. Very pleasant sweet aftertaste. This one should age well.

    Kim (10/11/2006)
    Young, powerful and aromatic with great potencial for ageing.

    Armandas (8/7/2006)
    Nice piece of Tuo Cha, only I did not see the gold ribbon with the tea cake.

    Chung (7/3/2006)
    This is a delicious young Puer. I would give it four and a half stars because of it’s extremely appealing flavor; a hint of smokiness but also smooth with hints of fruit, and lasts many brews. It’s simple and really good, great to drink now or save.

    Danica (5/11/2006)
    Very nice aroma with a wonderful smoothness after the first seeping.

    James (11/17/2005)
    excellent tasting tea that will age gracefully

    jose (11/2/2005)

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