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    TeaSpring Rewards Points
    Starting from September 2005, all orders placed without using discount code earns you points in our rewards program. Every dollar spent (excluding shipping charges) will earn you 1 Reward Point. TeaSpring Rewards Points are evergreen; they never expire!

    You can also earn points by posting helpful reviews for products that you have purchased and tried. Each review will earn you 3 Reward Points. To review a product, please login to your account and click on the Review & Rate Products link.

    Rewards Redemption
    Once you have accumulated enough points, you may easily exchange these for gifts or discount vouchers. To do so, please login to your account and click on the Rewards Points & Redemption link. The total TeaSpring Rewards Points is displayed at the top of the page. Click the Redeem/More Info button for the item that you want to redeem, and then click the Redeem this item button.

    More Information
    If you still cannot find the answer to your question, please contact us. Our Customer Service department will make every effort to respond to your message within 24 hours.

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    Shipping Info
    Worldwide shipping cost at $3.80! FREE shipping for orders of $70 and above.
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