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    What is the best way to break up my Pu-erh tea cake?
    We recommend the following steps:
    Step 1
    Always break a tea cake from the
    side as this is its softest part. Use
    a Pu-erh knife1 to pierce the side
    of the tea cake.
    Step 2
    Once thrusted inside, move the
    knife about 45 degrees upwards. This
    will break a chunk off the tea cake.
    Step 3
    You can now easily remove the
    loose chunk from the tea cake.
    Using steam
    If the tea cake is exceptionally
    hard, use steam from boiling
    water to loosen the tea cake.

    1 A Pu-erh knife is a special tool with a pointed but blunt edge. You can use similar objects with hard pointed ends such scissors but please handle it with extreme care.
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      Latest 2024 harvested teas
    1. Wu Yi Qu Hao
    2. 1979 Series Keemun Black Tea
    3. Song Zhong Dan Cong
    4. Keemun Mao Feng
    5. Lion Xi Hu Long Jing
    6. Yi Hong Jing Pin A
    Font size:
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    2. Dong Ting Bi Luo Chun
    3. Huang Shan Mao Feng
    4. Tai Ping Hou Kui
    5. Lu An Gua Pian
    6. Xin Yang Mao Jian
    7. Qi Men Hong
    8. Jun Shan Yin Zhen
    9. Da Hong Pao
    10. An Xi Tie Guan Yin
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