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  Pu-erh Tea
Pu-erh is renowned for its medicinal qualities. Unlike other teas, Pu-erh's quality and taste improves with age. It's taste is often described as earthy but some very well aged Pu-erh produce cups of incredibly smooth and wonderfully complex beverage.
  Pu-erh Tea
  • Chun Jian Zang Zhuan Cha  (2 types)
  • Feng Huang Tuo Cha  
  • Haiwan Chen Xiang Zhuan Cha  
  • Haiwan Qiao Mu Zhuan Cha  
  • Liu An  
  • 2 types of Loose-leaf Pu-erh
  • Ba Da Da Hei Shan  
  • Chun Jian Zang  
  • Pu-erh Chrysanthemum  
  • Xiaguan Tuo Cha  (3 types)
  • Yin Zhen Tea Cake  
  • Yunnan Tuo Cha  
    Ya Bao
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    Ya Bao
    (rating: 4.3 out of 5)
    Ya Bao
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    Smoke, smoke and more smoke. Looking at the other positive comments about this, it may be that this 2007 batch has come to the end of its life. All I got was an overpowering smokyness and struggled to get any tea flavours. Half way through the second cup I had enough and couldnīt go on anymore.

    Paul (6/22/2010)
    The aroma and apperance of leaves are realy drizzling, also - the same is with the taste. It is very sweet, it envokes it my mind memorials of early veral meadow, very floral and complex. I give only 4, beacause once in my life Iīve drunk a better Ya Bao, more fresh and little more fragrant and floral... But this one is still excellent and Iīm sincerely recommending it.

    Paweł (1/1/2010)
    it smeels like a pu-ehr. But the taste is more flowery. It is an excellent tea

    Ricardo (7/31/2009)
    Given quite reasonable preferences, thereīs a lot to like about this tea. The tea brews quite a sweet liquid, so much so that Iīm always reminded of roses and rosewater whenever I drink it. I donīt much appreciate such a flavor profile, but my aunt absolutely loves it. Overall, a good tea for the right taste buds.

    Vuong (5/28/2009)
    It was instant pleasure when I opened the bag to reveal the intact plant tips. However, sadly, I was unable to get this tea to really speak for itself. I tried a variety of methods (as recommend on the site and also western style). The soup is a cheerful, clear golden green/yellow. In the nose and taste I can barely sense fruitiness and detected a little cinnamon in the flavor (primarily first infusion). One of the most mild teas Iīve had, it is akin to seasoning hot water by the teas that previously inhabited the pot. If you like very mild teas, then perhaps this is for you.

    Tim (5/18/2009)
    I find this tea at its best at 90C with little longer brewingtime. It is wonderful brewed right.

    Thomas (10/11/2008)
    Very good Geen Tea, I bought this simply due to the user reviews. They there correct this is a great Tea for all day drinking.

    eric (9/6/2008)
    This is my first pu-erh tea, and itīs very different from what I expected! The first surprise is the dry leaves. They are unlike any flat, rolled, or twisted leaves Iīve seen. They look like a bud-and-two-leaves system but multi-layered, solid, and bigger than any I have seen. The rose-like aroma mentioned on the website is definitely there, but what is absent is any sort of earthy smell one so often hears ascribed to pu-erhs. To be honest, this tea gives me the feeling of an herbal or scented tea (even though itīs not) and given the lack of reference point for comparison, Iīm not sure how I feel about it. I will keep trying to see if what the tea offers.

    Vuong (8/13/2008)
    With a colour of 1st spring morning dew , and an aroma redolent of Silk Road journeys past and the fair young maidens met along the way. Round and round with a long spicy viscous finish.

    Michael (3/19/2008)
    What a fantastic tea. Brews to a pale gold colour with a strong nose. The nose reminded me of roses and in the backgroung a slight pine needle scent. The taste is a full creamy roundness which fill the whole mouth. The taste lingers for about 20 minutes. This is totally different from any other Puerh I have ever tasted and I would recommend this tea to anyone.

    Rod (11/7/2007)
    the second shipment for me. i love this tea get it when you can.

    ryan (10/24/2007)
    this tea is really, really good. even smelling the dried tea leaves brought peace and clarity to my mind. this tea smells a bit musty (as it should), also with the smell of rose flowers. can infuse it many times. drinking this tea really took me someplace special.

    tim (10/21/2007)
    nothing like other puerh. very acurate description, sweet, complex, and very beautiful and exotic tea leaves

    Sergio (10/4/2007)
    oh my god this tea is amazing. light fresh yet fruty and complex hint of appercott. the liqure is light yellow.

    ryan (10/3/2007)

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