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  Chinese Green Tea
Chinese Green tea is light and refreshing. Well known for its many health benefits, Chinese Green tea helps to prevent cancer, lowers cholesterol & blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, prevents cavities, reduces stress and regulates ageing.
  Chinese Green Tea
  • An Ji Bai Cha  
  • Bi Tan Piao Xue  
  • Bu Bu Gao Sheng  
  • Cha Wang Tai Ping Hou Kui  
  • Dong Ting Bi Luo Chun  
  • En Shi Yu Lu  
  • Gu Zhu Zi Sun  
  • Huang Shan Mao Feng  (2 types)
  • Jasmine Tea  
  • Jiu Hua Fo Cha  
  • Long Jing  (3 types)
  • Lu An Gua Pian  (2 types)
  • Meng Ding Gan Lu  
  • Te Ji Pearl Jasmine  
  • Ting Xi Lan Xiang  
  • Wu Yi Qu Hao  
  • Xu Fu Long Ya  
  • Yang Yan Gou Qing  
  • Yong Xi Huo Qing  
    Yong Xi Huo Qing
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    Yong Xi Huo Qing
    (rating: 4 out of 5)
      Yong Xi Huo Qing
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    vegetal liquor is full and flavoursome, embellished with a smokey aroma. Its deep fruity finish allows subtle floral accents to emerge.

    dennis west (12/27/2018)
    This is the queen mother of all green teas! My shipment came in very fresh and securely packaged. I´d highly recommend the Yong Xi Huo Qing to anyone tea lover who just wants one perfect cup of tea a day.

    Robert (8/9/2017)
    The distinctively rich and smooth floral flavor presents a pleasant balance of astringency and sweetness with a long and refreshing aftertaste. The tea has a strong, vegetal and lasting flavour.

    dennis west (3/16/2016)
    Good tea but not excellent. Taste a bit too strong.

    Breilloux (11/27/2015)
    As a fan of lapsang souchong and gunpowder teas I was attracted to this both by appearance and reputation. I would characterize it as smoother and more delicate than either of those.

    John (5/23/2015)
    not what I expected, has a very strong distinct taste that I just couldn´t get behind

    Gabriel (12/19/2010)
    good green tea. .

    Christian (8/26/2010)
    Compared to last year´s harvest, this year´s spring YXHQ seems more delicate. The flavor incorporates some nice fruity undertones to the vegetal notes. Leaves that slight tingle to the tip of the tongue. The smokiness to me is extremely subtle and does not bother me. The leaves are beautiful, no broken leaves and many buds. The leaves seem smaller in size than last year´s, which may be the reason why some of the more subtle vegetal/fruity notes are coming through this year. I find the fragrance not as strong as last year´s too, but the orchid/floral fragrance is still apparent and pleasing. Smooth and rich taste. Highly recommended!

    Kei (7/26/2010)
    Quite good but maybe a little bit too strong and bitter for my taste.

    manuel (5/7/2010)
    Looks and tastes similar to gunpowder tea, strong, long-lasting, smoky aroma, the taste is smooth, a little bitter and sweet. Nice tea!!!

    Anna (3/6/2010)
    this is a tea thats strong enough at just a tea spoon-I like it when it cools to room temp-fine tea

    michael (11/18/2009)
    really good if infused for very short time and them consumed immediately. otherwise gets a bit too bitter for me.

    Katre (11/2/2009)
    Nice tea; sweet floral and gave a small hint of smoke. The second infusion losses its sweetness and becomes a more grassy strong bodied taste.

    Daniel (10/26/2009)
    Similar to Lu An Gua Pian and Yang Yan Gou Qing, with a full, rounded, strong taste and mouthfeel, and very apparent floral orchid aroma. The best thing about this tea is how it can withstand multiple infusions, which really does not stop! It is also not excessively picky about steeping temperature and duration. The tea leaves are thick, substantial, and very beautiful that sink immediately and unfurl when I drop the tea into the water, so be careful not to use too much. Offered at an affordable price, YXHQ is quite a bargain for a high-quality tea with an outstanding, unusual, and very beautiful taste profile. I will reorder this tea again after I finish this batch! Excellent product!

    Kei (9/20/2009)
    An amazing tea. It tastes very smooth, sweet, a little fruity and a little vegetal. Nice for multiple steeps.

    Fan (11/17/2008)
    bases on previous reviews I thought this tea was going to be quite different. It os not that strong for me, being sweet and reminesent of fujian bi luo chun. the leaves seem to be gunpowder but with the tea bud very aparent. good tea.

    Sergio (11/2/2008)
    A good tea to drink all day. I make it in a cup and just keep adding fresh water all day. I am very satisfied with this tea.

    John (10/28/2008)
    this tea has too much vegital taste , and smoky flovor not what I’m looking for .

    Lance (12/18/2007)
    This tea was a revelation to me. Very tasty, this tea definitely has character.

    Marc (12/17/2007)
    It looks like Gunpowder tea, but the flavour is very similar to Bi luo chun. Pay attention, use half spoon for each cup.

    manuel (10/7/2007)
    Enjoyable flavor, a bit delicate but not too weak. Slight smoky aroma, like some Mao Feng teas, but more pleasant. The taste is a bit reminiscent of Long Ching, but lacking sweetness. In all, a balanced, very enjoyable tea.

    David (8/19/2007)

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